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Data Sources

🗺 Community District Boundaries

Community district boundaries for the City of Calgary

🏫 Schools

Location and information of schools and post-secondary institutions including school name, address, phone number and grade level.

🚲 Calgary Bikeways

This data set contains the on-street bikeway network within the City of Calgary.

🚶 Parks Pathways

The Calgary Pathways dataset identifies regional and local pathways that offer connectivity throughout the City.

🏬 Community Services

In this model amenities are classified under the following headings: Attractions, Community Centre, Court, Defibrillator, Health Clinic, Hospital, Internet Access, Library, Skate Parks, Social Dev Ctr, Visitor Info. Name, address, location information and homepage information if available.

🐶 Parks Off Leash Areas

Calgary has over 150 public off leash dog areas in our multi-use parks. In total there are more than 1,250 hectares of off-leash space for Calgarians and their dogs to enjoy.

🛤 Tracks LRT

The set of railway tracks used by the Calgary Transit LRT system (Light Rail Transit).

🛤 Tracks Non LRT

The set of railway tracks owned by parties external to The City (i.e. CP, CN) that run through the City of Calgary.

🏪 Recreation Facilities

Names and addresses for recreation facilities. Includes amenities available at each location.

🎨 Public Art

Information about artworks in The City of Calgary Public Art Collection, including locations, titles, artists, and descriptions of the artwork.

🚏 Calgary Transit Stops

Calgary Transit stop locations.

🚋 Transit LRT Stations

Calgary LRT station locations

🌳 Tree Canopy 2022

Tree Canopy contains polygons outlining the extent of tree cover for all land within the City of Calgary. The tree canopy was derived by Remote Sensing software using City of Calgary Orthophotos and Lidar. The resulting data was then quality controlled and edited using various photogrammetric and processing tools. TREE_CANOPY_2022 was created by updating TREE_CANOPY_2020 photogrammetrically using the 2022 Digital Aerial Survey (DAS) aerial imagery. Trees and large shrub areas over 2m tall are captured in this dataset.

👮 Community Crime Statistics

Data is provided monthly by the Calgary Police Service. This data is considered cumulative as late-reported incidents are often received well after an offence has occurred. Therefore, crime counts are subject to change as they are updated. Crime count is based on the most serious violation (MSV) per incident.

Last modified on: 2023-12-28 11:18:53