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What is Cooking?

Predict the type of cuisine based on the ingredients. Demo available at


The training data is from kaggle's Recipe Ingredients Dataset.


My first take is to use some classifiers out of the box from scikit-learn even without any hyperparameter tuning. The result seems acceptable. Checkout the scikit-learn script.

mean accuracy learner
0.716 BernoulliNB
0.619 DecisionTreeClassifier
0.099 DummyClassifier
0.530 ExtraTreeClassifier
0.730 KNeighborsClassifier
0.790 LinearSVC
0.673 MultinomialNB
0.763 PassiveAggressiveClassifier
0.720 Perceptron
0.759 RidgeClassifier
0.777 SGDClassifier
0.775 LogisticRegression
0.197 SVC

I have noticed the SVM's rbf kernel does not work with default parameters. Hence I try out a few penalty values and the results are better, shown as follow.

mean accuracy learner
0.197 SVC (C=1)
0.489 SVC (C=10)
0.706 SVC (C=100)
0.784 SVC (C=1000)

Another approach of modelling

Transfer learning is a trending topic nowadays in machine learning domain. It allows us to take advantage of pre-trained models and fine tune them for another domain/task. This dataset may not be the best case to apply transfer learning practice because the ingredients are not written in natural language. I did it anyway for the sake of demonstration. For simplicity, I choose's learning rate finding function is pretty handy. And I only use the 1cycle policy to fit the model. Checkout the language model script.

Fine tune the pre-trained model

find lr 1

Choosing learning rate 0.

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 4.911732 3.926325 0.341775 00:14

find lr 2

To train a bit further, choose learning rate (1e-2)/2.

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 3.331526 3.207970 0.397344 00:19

Apply the tuned model for classification

find lr 3

Choosing learning rate 5e-1.

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 1.524449 1.477003 0.578630 02:51

find lr 4

To train a bit further, choose learning rate 2e-4.

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 1.284334 1.164963 0.652546 03:09


  • Accuracy being about 40% after fine tuning means that the tuned language model is able to predict the next word based on context 2 out of 5 times. For example, lm_learner.predict("green bell") would return "green bell pepper".

  • Accuracy being about 65% after fitting for classification means that the classifier is able to predict the correct cuisine based on input ingredients 3 out of 5 times. For example, clf.predict("warp avocado beef") would return "southern_us".


Demo with LinearSVC model is available at