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Simple Web Scraper

A simple web scraper to crawl address data from OpenDataCanada



  • requests: Best http library
  • beautifulsoup: Super easy-to-use site scraping library
  • time: Be a good netizen and use time.sleep()
  • codecs: Deal with french characters (well, I am scraping addresses in Canada)


The corporation page lists many areacodes which link to pages that store the addresses information. Take a look at one of the links, Federal Corporations H3B. The information we want locates in the table rows (tr).

With the help of "Inspect", we can conclude the structure:

  1. The base url is ""
  2. Areacodes are list items (li) that placed within <ul class="list-inline">. The first "ul" is a list of province abbrs. The last "ul" is a list of random links.
  3. For each address page, access the base url with parameter "postal=xxx", where xxx is an areacode
  4. Addresses are table rows (tr)


Following is my Python2.7 script, less than 40 lines.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
import codecs

r = requests.get('')
parsed*html = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
provinces = parsed_html.find_all('ul', class*='list-inline')[1:-2]

num*prov = 0
num_area = 0
num_addr = 0
for p in provinces:
    with'province*'+str(num*prov), 'wb', 'utf-8') as f:
        areacodes = p.find_all('li')
        for * in areacodes:
            a = _.contents[1].contents[0].split()[0].strip()
            link = ''+a
            print 'Extracting', link
            r = requests.get(link)
            parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
            addresses = parsed_html.find_all('tr')
            for _ in addresses:
                    addr = _.contents[3].contents[0] + ', ' + \
                    f.write(addr + '\n')
                    num_addr += 1
            num_area += 1
    num_prov += 1
print 'Result:'
print num_prov, 'provinces'
print num_area, 'areacodes'
print num_addr, 'addresses'