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Endianness and Bit Masking

How to handle some bit level data manipualtions in Python


See this wiki for background knowledge about endianness. It refers to the ordering of bytes.

  • Big endianness is to store with the most significant bit coming first.
  • Little endianness is to store in the opposite order where the most significant bit comes last.

For example, we have a hex number 0A0B0C0D

Note that endianness talks about the order of bytes

0A0B0C0D should be separated into chunks with size of 8 bits

that is, 0A | 0B | 0C | 0D

In big endianness, it shall be written as 0A0B0C0D

In little endianness, it shall be written as 0D0C0B0A


Python provides a handy library (struct) to handle such conversion. See here for detail.


Say, we want to create the big/little endian representation for three numbers: 1025, 2050, and 4099

1025 = 1024 + 1, written in hex, it is 0x0401

2050 = 2048 + 2, written in hex, it is 0x0802

4099 = 4096 + 3, written in hex, it is 0x1003

Using struct, we can pack these numbers with a formatted string ">hhh" or ">3h"

  • > means big endian
  • h means short int, which is 2 byte or 16 bit

Similarly, we can pack those numbers with a formatted string "<hhh" or "<3h"

  • < means little endian

Therefore, these three numbers are represented:

  • in big endian, 040108021003
  • in little endian, 010402080310

In order to extract the numbers, we use unpack with the corresponding formatted string

Bit Masking

Bit level and/or/xor manipulations

and, take certain bits

or, set certain bits

xor, toggle certain bits

For example, 1025 which is 0b10000000001

take last two bits: 1025 & 0b11 = 0b1

set last two bits: 1025 | 0b11 = 0b10000000111 = 1031

toggle last two bits: 1025 ^ 0b11 = 0b10000000110 = 1030